Sunday, September 26, 2010

Challenge #15: Daybreak

This one was shot near my house in the Nose Creek valley.  My schedule and the weather have been working against me and this shot is two weeks overdue.  But never the less, here it is.

I awoke last Saturday morning without an alarm shortly before sunrise.  I could see some clouds in the dark sky to the east and thought I had better seize the day if I was to ever get this challenge done.  I quickly packed up and headed out - it was cold, only a few degrees above freezing.

This is a three frame HDR shot (-2,0,+2) created with my Nikon 10-24 mm lens, which I really enjoy using.  Having a 90+ degree field of view offers a lot more opportunity for making pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Like the comp! The rocks add a great dimension to the sunrise.... Fantastic!
