Sunday, September 26, 2010

Challenge #17: Unforgettable

Had a chance to Ride the 40 this weekend and jumped at it.  It was the first weekend when schedules and weather allowed.  Actually, I have to thank my wife for making my schedule work.  Shannon graciously offered to take our son to hockey so I could make this ride.

My timing couldn't have been better as the colors in Kananaskis were spectacular.  And baring a couple of mishaps that could have turned out to be a whole lot worse, the ride was outstanding.

With that said, I present my challenge for unforgettable, a pseudo HDR shot that I've titled 'Where Bad Things Happen'.

Let's just say you had to be there to understand the title.

Challenge #16: Reflect

I'm reflecting on what I should shoot for this.... Yes, it's late... yes it's over due... Stay tuned.

Challenge #15: Daybreak

This one was shot near my house in the Nose Creek valley.  My schedule and the weather have been working against me and this shot is two weeks overdue.  But never the less, here it is.

I awoke last Saturday morning without an alarm shortly before sunrise.  I could see some clouds in the dark sky to the east and thought I had better seize the day if I was to ever get this challenge done.  I quickly packed up and headed out - it was cold, only a few degrees above freezing.

This is a three frame HDR shot (-2,0,+2) created with my Nikon 10-24 mm lens, which I really enjoy using.  Having a 90+ degree field of view offers a lot more opportunity for making pictures.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Challenge #14: Round

Another HDR shot.  I used to drive past this place every morning on my commute to work.  An interesting idea for old LP's, and it makes for an interesting shot. 

I scanned the record labels and didn't see many artists that I knew.  There were a couple of Disneyland labels on there that caught my eye.  They seemed out of place to me for some reason.

Challenge #13: Warm

I'm tardy completing this challenge.  I wasn't terribly motivated over this one for some reason.  It wasn't until we were invited out visit Conrad and his family at their campsite in Banff National Park that I was inspired.  I was sitting in front of a campfire at the time so it wasn't much of a stretch.  I tried a few different kinds of shots, including a couple of night shots that didn't work well, but I liked this one the best.  It's simple, but it captures my boy having fun with fire in the forest. 

This is a compilation of two images.  The first image makes up much of the frame and was a pseudo-HDR shot.  I liked the shot, but the fire was more dramatic in another shot, so I used a mask in Photoshop and brought the more interesting flames into the scene.  A little perspective adjustment to remove most of the convergence created by the Nikon 10-24mm lens and that was that.