I spent the weekend at a seminar with Joe McNally. This was the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed with respect to photography. Joe spent two very full, very fast paced days discussing lighting and setting up shots on stage and in the audience. The format of this session was relaxed and very open.
Joe would discuss the setup as he went and answer questions on the fly. He was always patient, polite, professional and very entertaining. Each scenario was built slowly and methodically with explanaitions along the way. Every shot (with the exception of a couple of long exposures) was projected live from the tethered D3x onto two large screens on either side of the stage and the results of virtually every frame were discussed. Problems were experienced and resolved live, sometimes with the help of the audience, sometimes with Joe's amazing creativity. I witnessed Joe build everything from outstanding portraits with a single light, to a paparazzi like scene with over a dozen Nikon SB-900s under his control - many of which were in the frame!
Here's a sample of the kind of shot that Joe built live on stage infront of hundreds of people. The dancer is Melissa Boniface of the Alberta Ballet.
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